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When Expressions
Using the When expression
By: King

When Expressions are similar to If Expressions. It matches its argument against all branches from top to bottom until a specific condition is met.


when ([value]) {

   [match_condition_1] -> { }
   [match_condition_2] -> { }
   else -> { }



val number = 10;

     5 -> println("Number is 5")
     else -> println("Number is not 5.")

In the above example, the When Expression has a two branches - (5) and (else). It will compare the value of the argument with 5 first, and if it equals 5, it will print the message - "Number is 5." If not, it will move on and execute the print statement in the else branch.

val number = 8

     5, 10, 15 -> println("Number is either 5, 10, or 15");

In this example, a single branch has multiple match conditions - (5, 10, 15).

Although having the ability to add multiple match conditions in a branch, sometimes it may not be enough. What if we want to execute some code it the number is between 1 and 100? If we use the above example, we will have a branch similar to:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 ...., 100 -> ...

Instead of specifying the numbers manually, we can use a Range.

Instead of specifying the numbers manually, we can use a Range (a..b) instead. To use a range, we need to use the in or !in operator.

val number = 10

when(number) {
     in 0..10 -> println("Number is between 0 and 10")
     in 20..30 -> println("Number is between 20 and 30")
     !in 10..20 -> println("Number is NOT in 20 to 30")
     else -> println("Other")

Executing Multiple Statements 

We can also execute multiple statements in a branch. To do this, add the opened and closed curly brackets at the end of the arrow to indicate that there will be a block of statements we want to perform.

when(fruit) {

   "Apple" -> { 
   "Banana" -> { .. }
   "Cherry" -> { ... }

When Expressions That Returns a Value

When Expressions can also return a value, that is why it is called the "When Expression." 

When Expressions that returns a value, must have a ELSE branch and the last statement of the branch must be the value that it is returning.

val result = when(number) {

   in 1..10 -> {
         val a = 10
         val b = 20
         a * b * number
   else -> {
         val a = 10
         val b = 20
         a / b / number


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