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Class and instances
Defining a Kotlin class and creating instances
By: King

A Class is a written representation of an "Virtual Object" or "a thing" that lives inside a computer application. In this representation, you will define the behavior of the object.

To understand this better, let's say I want the computer to create a soccer ball. The computer will not create an physical soccer ball, but it will create a virtual ball using a class that was defined.

Here is an example of the SoccerBall class:

class SoccerBall {
    var diameter: Int = 20
    fun bounce(): Unit {
        // logic to bounce
    fun roll(): Unit {
        // logic to bounce

The soccer ball has 2 function to represent the bound and roll behavior of a soccer ball. It also have a property call diameter that tells you the length of the ball.

When the computer creates a soccer using the SoccerBall class, it will be able to bounce and roll.

Classes in Kotlin has a primary constructor and may have one or more secondary constructors. They are used to set variables and execute logic before an instance of the object is actually created..

Classes in Kotlin has a primary constructor and may have one or more secondary constructors. They are used to set variables and execute code before the object is actually created.

Classes in Kotlin has a primary constructor and may have one or more secondary constructors. They are similar to a functions with parameters.


class [name] {


class Earth {
   fun spin(): Unit {


Creating an Instance

To create an instance of an object using a Class is the same as calling a function.

val earthObject = Earth()

In the above code, we created an Earth object and stored it in a variable call earthObject. This way, we can reference the object and access it's properties and functions.


Here, we called the spin() function.


Classes in Kotlin has a primary constructor and may have one or more secondary constructors. They are used to set the values of variables and execute logic before the object is actually created.


Primary Constructor

class [name] () {


Secondary Constructor

class [name] (...) {

Primary Constructor

The Primary Constructor is located after the class name in the Class header.

class Earth (val population: Int) {


In the example, there is a class call Earth with a Primary Constructor. Similar to calling a function with parameters, when we create an object with a class that has a constructor that contains parameters, we need to pass in the value.

val littleEarth = Earth(100)

Variables that are placed in the primary constructors are also properties that we can access inside the class or outside.

val population = littleEarth.population

Primary Constructors does not allow you to execute logic. In order to perform logic, you need to add Initializer Blocks inside the class definition using the init keyword.

class Earth (val population: Int) {

   init {
      val doubledPopulation  = population * 2


Secondary Constructors

Secondary Constructors are located inside the class definition using the "constructor" keyword.

class Earth () {

    constructor(life: Int){



In the example, there is a Class call Earth with a empty primary constructor and a secondary constructor with a parameter call life.

Since there are multiple constructors, as long as we fulfil the need of at least one of them, we can create an object.

val littleEarth = Earth()

val oldEarth = Earth(200)

Both statements are valid.

A major difference between Primary and Secondary constructors is that variables in secondary constructors are only accessible inside the constructor itself.

The variable - life - will not be accessible anywhere other than the constructor itself.

If the class have a Primary Constructor, all the secondary constructor must be combined with the primary constructor.

class Earth (val population: Int) {

    constructor(population: Int, life: Int): this(population) {



In the above example, the Earth class now has a parameter in the Primary Constructor. The secondary constructor needs to contain the same parameter(s) that the primary constructor have.and more. Then after the parenthesis, you need to add a colon, then "this," and then pass in the necessary values.

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