Hello, in this video, I’ll show you how to update documents in Firestore using the FBP Firebase Plugin for Unreal Engine.
Hello, in this video, I’ll show you how to update documents in Firestore using the FBP Firebase Plugin for Unreal Engine.
Creating a Document
To begin creating the document, use the “Begin Write Document” node.
Then, add data to it by calling these available nodes:
Updating the Document
Once the document is created, use the “Update Document” node and connect the Document object returned by the last add node to the Document pin.
For the Document Path, create a String array and set it into the Document Path pin. Every even element represents a collection, and every odd element represents a document.
The Path should point to a document reference in Firestore for the node to work.
In the sample below, it will update a document in the “users” collection.
Callback functions