Hello, in this tutorial, I'll show you how to get contents from a Document using the FBP Firebase Plugin for Unreal Engine.
Hello, in this tutorial, I'll show you how to get contents from a Document using the FBP Firebase Plugin for Unreal Engine.
Get Document
The Document Path is a String array that represents the path to the document in Firestore. Every even element points to a collection and every odd element points to a document.
Adding the Callbacks
Retrieving the contents
To get the data from the document snapshot, use any of the following nodes:
In this sample, it shows how to retrieve a String value with the key “name” from the document.
To get multiple values, chain multiple Get nodes together.
Attaching a listener to a document
You can also attach a listener to a document and listen to any changes made to it by using the “Listen To Document” node. This way, you’ll be able to update information in real-time every time data changes for a document.
It has the same 3 pin as the “Get Document” node.
The only difference is that the On Document Retrieved Callback gets called once at the beginning to get the contents of the document and then it’ll get called every time a change is made to the document.