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Firestore - Delete Document
Using the "Delete Document" node to delete a document in Firestore.
By: King

Hello, in this tutorial, I'll show you how to use the "Delete Document" node in the FBP Firebase Plugin for Unreal Engine to delete a document in Firestore.

The "Delete Document" node has 3 pins:

1 for the path to the document in Firestore
2 callbacks to handle executions after the delete operation is succesful or not

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Setting the path

To set the path, left click on the Document Path pin, hold, and drag to an empty space in the blueprint. 

Then type "Make" in the Search box and select "Make Array."

Inside the String array, enter the path to the document you want to delete. 

Every even element represents a collection, and every odd element represents a document. 

Image from


Now for the Callbacks, left click on the pin, hold, and drag to an empty space in the blueprint. Select “Add Event” then “Add Custom Event.” 

The On Document Deleted callback gets called when the document is deleted, and the On Fail to Delete Document callback gets called when it fails to delete the document.

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