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Auth - Sign In
Use the "Sign In with Email and Password" and "Sign In Anonymously" node to sign into the app.
By: King

Hello, in this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use the “Sign In with Email and Password” and “Sign in Anonymously” nodes in the FBP Firebase Plugin for Unreal Engine to sign into the app.

Sign In with Email and Password

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The “Sign In with Email and Password” node has 4 pins:

1 for the email
1 for the password to the account
2 callback functions that’ll determine if it has successfully signed into the app or not

For the Email pin, enter the email for the account, then provide the password in the Password pin.

Add the callbacks

To create the callbacks, click and hold on the callback pin from the node. Then drag and let go on an empty spot on the blueprint.

Select “Add Event” then “Add Custom Event.” 

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The On Success callback returns a Firebase User object that contains some metadata about the account when it is created.

Right click on the pin and select “Split Struct Pin” to reveal the metadata.

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The On Fail callback will get called when it fails to sign in. It’ll give us an error message that we can use identify the issue that occurred.

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Sign in Anonymously

Sometimes your app may require user to sign-in to view hidden contents of your app temporarily but does not require the full login sequence. 

The FBP Plugin contains a node call “Sign in Anonymously” that will allow users to sign-in anonymously.

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It functions similar to the “Sign In with Email and Password” node except it does not require an email and password.

It has 2 callback pins that’ll determine if it has successfully signed into the app or not.

The On Success callback returns a Firebase User object that contains some metadata about the account when it is created.

The On Fail callback will get called when it fails to sign in. It’ll give us an error message that we can use identify the issue that occurred.

Signing Out

Use the Sign Out node to sign out of the app.

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Sign In