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Rewarded Ads
Learn how to use the Admob Blueprint plugin to add Rewarded Ads.
By: King

Rewarded ads are full-page ads that allows users to interact with them. It contains a callback that detects when the user has interacted with the ad, so you can reward them with stuff when they do.

Initialize Google Mobile Ads

Before you can start displaying ads, you'll need to initialize Google Mobile Ads using the Initialize Google Mobile Ads node.

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This node will just have to be called once, so you should call it when the app starts.

There are 2 callbacks, Gma Success and Gma Initialization Failed.

Gma Success gets executed when it initialized Google Mobile Ads successfully. You can then use create ads to display on your app.

Gma Initialization Failed gets executed when it fails to initialize Google Mobile Ads.

Creating and Displaying Reward Ads

Once Google Mobile Ads is initialized, you can begin creating the Rewarded Ad.

Call the Create Rewarded Ad node.

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You can use this test ad unit id for testing, but you should replace it when your app is going to production.



It has 1 callback. It gets executed when the user interacted with the ad, and it is your job to give them an reward.

Click and hold on it, select "Add Event," then "Add Custom Event."

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Load ads

When your Rewarded ad is created, all you have to do now is to load it with ads. 

Call the Load Ad node and pass in the Rewarded Ad.

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The Load Ad node has 2 callbacks, Ad Loaded and Ad Load Failed.

Ad Loaded gets executed when an ad is loaded into the rewarded ad.

Ad Load Failed gets executed when no ads are returned or when an error occurs. This can happen if your AdMob ad is new and needs traffic for more ads to show for your account.

Click and hold on the callback pins and then drag on an empty spot. Select Add Event, then Add Custom Event to create the callback nodes.

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Show Rewarded Ad

Once ads are loaded into the rewarded ad, you can display it by calling the Show Ad node and passing in the Rewarded Ad.

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It has 1 callback, which is used to let us know when an error occurs

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